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5 Foot 2 (Eyes Of Blue) - Melody
A Bird In A Gilded Cage - Melody
A Cup Of Coffee, A Sandwich And You - Melody
A famous Rebel once was caught / How Are You? John Morgan - Melody
A gang of good fellows are we / Hail! Hail! The Gang's All Here - Melody
A jolly boy's the lad I love / Champagne Charlie - Melody
A lady tossed her curls / There are Plenty of Fish in the Sea - Melody
A little maiden climbed an old man's knee / After the Ball - Melody
A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody - Melody
A Ring To The Name Of Rose - Melody
A-Smoking His Cigar - Melody
A Soldier in de Colored Brigade - Melody
Abe Lincoln Went to Washington - Melody
After You've Gone - Melody
Agnes By The River - Melody
Ah, May the Red Rose Live Always - Melody
Ah! my heart is weary waiting / Summer Longings - Melody
Ah! the voice of by gone days / The Voice of By-gone Days - Melody
Ain't Misbehavin' - Melody
Ain't She Sweet - Melody
Alexander’s Ragtime Band - Melody
All Quiet Along the Potomac - Melody
Always stand on the Union side - Melody
America the Beautiful - Melody
American Taxation - Melody
Anchors Aweigh - Melody
And I Ain't Going to Jump no More - Melody
Andy Veto never slept a wink last night - Melody
Angelina Baker - Melody
Annie My Own Love - Melody
Are Arise, you prisoners of starvation! - Melody
Arkansas Traveller, The - Melody
Army Bugs - Melody
Army of the Free - Melody
Arrah! Molly darlin', I am drafted / Who Will Care for Micky Now? - Melody
As I walked out in the streets of Laredo / The Cowboy's Lament - Melody
At his post, the "Little Major" / Little Major - Melody
Aura Lea - Melody
Away Down Souf - MelodyWe Downhearted? No! No! No! - Melody
Ballin' The Jack - Melody
Basin Street Blues - Melody
Battle Cry of Freedom, The (Southern) - Melody
Battle Hymn of the Republic - Melody
Battle of Shiloh Hill - Melody
Battle Song of the Black Horsemen - Melody
Be My Little Baby Bumblebee - Melody
Beautiful Child of Song - Melody
Beautiful Dreamer, wake unto me - Melody
Beautiful Ohio - Melody
Before the Lord we bow - Melody
Ben Bolt - Melody
Better Times Are Coming - Melody
Bill Bailey - Melody
Blackbird blackbird singing the blues all day / Bye, Bye, Blackbird - Melody
Bloom bright fair flowers around the white stone / My Loved One and My Own - Eva - Melody
Blue Ridge Cabin Home - Melody
Bluebirds, linger here awhile / Eulalie - Melody
Bombed last night, and bombed the night before - Melody
Bright Hills of Glory, The - Melody
Bring my brother back to me - Melody
Bring the good ol' Bugle boys / Marching Through Georgia - Melody
Bringing in the Sheaves - Melody
Bumm! Bumm!! Bumm!!! - Melody
Bury Me in the Morning, Mother - Melody
By sacred influence hurl'd / Masonic Song - Melody
By The Light Of The Silvery Moon - Melody
Caissons Go Rolling Along - Melody
California, Here I Come - Melody
Call 'Em Names, Jeff - Melody
Cannonball Express, The - Melody
Can't you see I love you / Wooden Heart - Melody
Carry me back to old Virginny - Melody
Champagne Charlie - Melody
Changing, changing, day after day / New Friends, True Friends - Melody
Chester - Melody
Christmas Bells - Melody
C-o-f-f-e-e, coffee is not for me / Coffee Song - Melody
Come all of you, true friends of the nation / The Liberty Ball - Melody
Come all ye sons of freedom / The Southern Wagon - Melody
Come and sit by my side if you love me - Melody
Come, join hand in hand / Liberty Song - Melody
Come listen, all you darkies, come listen to my song / The Slaves Consolation - Melody
Come, stack arms, men, pile on the rails / Stonewall Jackson's Way - Melody
Come with thy sweet voice again - Melody
Come with us, you workingmen / Paint 'Er Red - Melody
Coming 'round the Mountain - Melody
Confession of a Rebel Prisoner, The - Melody
Congress, The - Melody
Cora Dean - Melody
Cornwallis Country Dance - Melody
Corporal Schnapps - Melody
Cotton Fields Back Home - Melody
Countrymen of Washington! / Southern War Cry - Melody
Cowboy's Lament, The - Melody
Darling Nelly Gray - Melody
Dashing through the snow / One Horse Open Sleigh or Jingle Bells - Melody
Day is done / Taps - Melody
De Camptown ladies sing this song / De Camptown Races - Melody
De Shanghai chicken, when you put him in de pit / Don't Bet Your Money On De Shanghai - Melody
De time is nebber dreary / Ring De Banjo - Melody
Deal with me kindly / Parthenia to Ingomar - Melody
Dear Land of Home, our hearts to thee are holden - Melody
Dear Lord and Father of mankind - Melody
Death of General Lyon - Melody
Death with his cold hand / Linda has Departed - Melody
Deep River, my home is over Jordan - Melody
Delay not, delay not, O sinner, draw near - Melody
Der Deitcher's Dog - Melody
Dere was an old darkey / Old Uncle Ned - Melody
Dixie - Melody
Dolcy Jones - Melody
Dolly Day - Melody
Down Among the Cane-Breaks - Melody
Down by the Riverside - MelodyDown in the valley, valley so low - Melody
Down on de Mississippi floating / Nelly Was a Lady - Melody
Dreaming of you that's all I do / Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland - Melody
Dreams That Charm'ed Me When a Child - Melody
Drill Ye Tarriers Drill - Melody
Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine / Moment by Moment - Melody
Ev'ry thing seems lovely when you start to roam / My Mammy - Melody
Every morning about seven o'clock / Drill Ye Tarriers Drill - Melody
Faded Coat of Blue, The - Melody
Faded Love - Melody
Fairer than the golden morning / Virginia Belle - Melody
Fairer than the lily, sweeter than the rose / Lost and Saved - Melody
Fairy Belle - Melody
Farewell! mother dear, I go - Melody
Farewell, My Lilly Dear - Melody
Farewell! Old cottage - Melody
Father Abney's Will - Melody
Father and I went down to camp / Yankee Doodle or Return From Camp - Melody
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum - Melody
First Call - Melody
Five Foot Two (Eyes Of Blue) - Melody
Flag of Secession, The - Melody
Fling out the banner! - Melody
Fondly old memories recall round my heart / Old Memories - Melody
For Bales - Melody
For the Dear Old Flag I Die - Melody
For Thee Love, For Thee - Melody
From beyond the wooded island / Stenka Razin - Melody
From the Halls of Montezuma / Marine Hymn - Melody
From the wilds of the North / The Young Voyageur - Melody
Gallant Twenty-Eighth, The - Melody
Gates Are Ever Open, The - Melody
Gay as a Lark in the sunshine of spring - Melody
Gentle Annie - Melody
Gentle Lena Clare - Melody
Get out the way for old Dan Tucker / Old Dan Tucker - Melody
Ghost of Mike Walsh, The - Melody
Girl I Left Behind Me, The - Melody
Give the Stranger Happy Cheer - Melody
Give This to Mother - Melody
Go Down, Moses - Melody
Go Tell It On the Mountain - Melody
God bless America, land that I love - Melody
God bless our native land! - Melody
God of the prophets, bless the prophet's sons - Melody
Goin' to shout all over God's Heav'n / Heav'n Heav'n - Melody
Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay / Old Black Joe - Melody
Goober Peas - Melody
Good-bye Broadway, Hello France! - Melody
Grandfather's Clock - Melody
Green, Green Grass of Home, The - Melody
Greenfields - Melody
Hallelujah, What a Saviour! - Melody
Hard Tack - Melody
Hark! the battle-cry is ringing! - Melody
Have you heard of a ship called the good / Reuben James - Melody
Have you seen the well to do? / Puttin' On The Ritz - Melody
He Hideth My Soul - Melody
He'll come home, he'll not forget me / The Wife - Melody
He's got the whole world in His hands - Melody
Heart's Mission, The - Melody
Heav'n Heav'n - Melody
Here's a bumper, brave boys, to the health of our king / A Song - Melody
Here's Your Mule - Melody
Ho! little girl, so dressed with care! / The Little Ballad Girl - Melody
Home, by and by, when our duties are done - Melody
Home on the Range - Melody
Home, Sweet Home - Melody
Homespun Dress, The - Melody
Hour For Thee and Me, The - Melody
How Are You? John Morgan - Melody
How 'ya Gonna Keep'em Down on the Farm (After They've Seen Paree?) - Melody
Hush-a-bye, ma baby, slumbertime is comin' soon / Missouri Waltz - Melody
Hymn For the National Funeral - Melody
I am just a lonesome traveller / When the Saints Go Marching In - Melody
I cannot listen to your words / The Southern Girl's Reply - Melody
I do not come because my soul - Melody
I dream of Jeannie with the light brown hair - Melody
I know not why God's wondrous grace / I Know Whom I Have Believed - Melody
I long for thee; must I long and long in vain? / Thou Art the Queen of my Song - Melody
I love Thy kingdom, Lord - Melody
I remember the days of our youth and love / Our Bright, Bright Summer Days Are Gone - Melody
I See Her Still in My Dreams - Melody
I think I hear the angels sing / Shew! Fly, Don't Bother Me - Melody
I wandered today to the hills, Maggie / When You and I Were Young Maggie - Melody
I was born almost ten thousand years ago - Melody
I Wish the War Was O'er! - Melody
I wonder as I wander out under the sky - Melody
I would be true, for there are those who trust me - Melody
I would not die in Springtime - Melody
I would not die in Summertime - Melody
I would not live alway; I ask not to stay - MelodyIda (Sweet As Apple Cider) - Melody
If in this world there is a flow'r / The Snow-White Rose - Melody
If the world from you withhold of its silver / Leave It There - Melody
If You've Only Got a Moustache - Melody
I'll Neber Hoe de Cotton Any More - Melody
I'll tell you of a story that happened long ago / Root Hog or Die - Melody
I'm dreaming now of Hallie / Listen to the Mockingbird - Melody
I'm Drifting Back To Dreamland - Melody
I'm lonesome since I crossed the hill / The Girl I Left Behind Me - Melody
I'm nothing but a plain old soldier / Nothing but a Plain Old Soldier - Melody
Immortal love, forever full - Melody
In a cavern, in a canyon / O my darling Clementine - Melody
In My Merry Oldsmobile - Melody
In The Good Old Summertime - Melody
In the prison cell I sit, thinking Mother, dear / Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! - Melody
In the sad and mournful Autumn / She Was All the World to Me - Melody
In this blessed land of freedom / Walking Once Grass - Melody
I've been working on the railroad - Melody
I've Got Peace Like a River - Melody
I've had a mighty busy day / When the Midnight Choo-Choo Leaves for Alabam' - Melody
Jenny's coming o'er the green - Melody
John Bell of Tennessee - Melody
John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave - Melody
John Morgan's foot is on thy shore / Kentucky! O Kentucky! - Melody
Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho / The Battle of Jericho - Melody
Juanita - Melody
Just After The Battle - Melody
Keep The Home Fires Burning - Melody
Kingdom Coming - Melody
Kissing in the Dark - Melody
Land of the Palmetto tree / South Carolina, A Patriotic Ode - Melody
Laura Lee - Melody
Lazy Mary, will you get up? - Melody
Leave It There - Melody
Let ev'ry good fellow now fill up his glass / Vive La Compagnie - Melody
Let Me Call You Sweetheart - Melody
Let us live with a hope for a better day--Mary / Let Us Live With a Hope - Melody
Liberty Ball, The - Melody
Liberty Song - Melody
Lily Ray - Melody
Linda has Departed - Melody
Linger in blissful repose - Melody
Listen to the Mockingbird - Melody
Little Ballad Girl, The - MelodyLittle Brown Jug - Melody
Little Ella - Melody
Little Jennie Dow - Melody
Little Liza Jane - Melody
Little Major - Melody
Little voices laughing free / Where Has Lulu Gone? - Melody
Long, Long Ago - Melody
Long, long ago, someone I know / Beautiful Ohio - Melody
Look from Thy sphere of endless day - Melody
Lost and Saved - Melody
Louisiana Belle - Melody
Maggie By My Side - Melody
Man on the Flying Trapeze, The - Melody
Marching Through Georgia - Melody
Mary loves the flowers - Melody
Maryland, My Maryland - Melody
Massa's In De Cold Ground - Melody
Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland - Melody
Melinda May - Melody
Merry, Merry Month of May, The - Melody
Michael row the boat ashore - Melody
Mine is the Mourning Heart - Melody
Missouri Waltz - Melody
Molly dear, I cannot linger / Molly Dear, Good Night - Melody
Molly do you love me? - Melody
Moment by Moment - Melody
More than a child born in the hay - Melody
Mother, Thou Art Faithful to Me - MelodyMy boy is coming from the war - Melody
My Brudder Gum - Melody
My Hopes Have Departed Forever - Melody
My Lord what a mornin' - Melody
My Loved One and My Own - Melody
My Mammy - Melody
My Old Kentucky Home - Melody
My Wife is a most Known Woman - Melody
Moonlight - Melody
Nelly Bly! Nelly Bly! Bring the broom along - Melody
Nelly Was a Lady - Melody
New Friends, True Friends - Melody
Nine Miles to the Junction - Melody
Ninety and Nine - Melody
No home! no home on my weary way - Melody
No one to love in this beautiful world / Why, No One to Love? - Melody
Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen - Melody
Northern Volunteers, The - Melody
Nothing but a Plain Old Soldier - Melody
Now the shades of night are gone - Melody
Now, workingmen, you know you live a life of misery / The Road to Emancipation - Melody
O bury me not in the deep deep sea / The Ocean Burial - Melody
Oh! carry me 'long; der's no more trouble for me / Oh! Boys, Carry Me 'Long - Melody
O! Comrades, Fill No Glass for Me - Melody
O! Dem Golden Slippers - Melody
O Genevieve, I'd give the world / Sweet Genevieve - Melody
O Happy Day - Melody
O haste on the battle, the sure coming battle - Melody
O! ladies don’t you blush when I come out to play / Way Down in Ca-i-ro - Melody
O! Lemuel - Melody
O Loving Heart, Trust On! - Melody
O, meet me when when daylight is fading / The Whip-Poor-Will's Song - Melody
O, Susanna - Melody
O the dear early days in my own fair land! / Sweet Emerald Isle That I Love So Well - Melody
O Thou whose feet have climbed life's hill - Melody
O! Touch Not My Sister's Picture - Melody
O! Willie is it you dear / Willie We Have Missed You - Melody
Ocean Burial, The - Melody
O'er Jerusalem Thou weepest - Melody
Okie From Muskogee - Melody
Old Abe Lincoln Came Out Of The Wilderness - Melody
Old Abe Lincoln keeps kicking up a fuss / Root Hog, or Die (Southern version) - Melody
Old Black Joe - Melody
Old Dan Tucker - Melody
Old Dog Tray - Melody
Old Folks At Home - MelodyOld Memories - Melody
Old Oaken Bucket, The - Melody
Old Uncle Ned - Melody
On Springfield Mountain, I once knew - Melody
On the lonely sea-beat shore / Willie My Brave - Melody
One little girl, fair as a pearl / The White Slave - Melody
Once I could laugh and play / Down Among the Cane-Breaks - Melody
Once I Loved Thee, Mary Dear - Melody
Open Thy Lattice Love - Melody
Our Boys Are Coming Home - Melody
Our Bright, Bright Summer Days Are Gone - Melody
Our campfires shone bright on the mountains / Sherman's March to the Sea - Melody
Our Willie, dear, is dying - Melody
Overalls and Snuff - Melody
Paint 'Er Red - Melody
Parasites in this fair country / The Parasites - Melody
Parthenia to Ingomar - Melody
Peg O' My Heart - Melody
Playmate - Melody
Polly Wolly Doodle - Melody
Poor Drooping Maiden - Melody
Pop Goes the Weasel - Melody
Praise Him! Praise Him! - Melody
Preacher and the Slave, The - Melody
Pretty Baby - Melody
Prisoner's Song, The - Melody
Puttin' On The Ritz - Melody
Queenie Bee lived o'er the lee / Be My Little Baby Bumblebee - Melody
Red River Valley, The - Melody
Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it! - Melody
Return From Camp - Melody
Reuben James - Melody
Reuben and Rachel - Melody
Richmond is a Hard Road to Travel - Melody
Riding a Raid - Melody
Ring De Banjo - Melody
Road to Emancipation, The - Melody
Rocked in the cradle of the deep - Melody
Roll, Jordan, Roll - Melody
Root Abe, or Die - Melody
Round de meadows am a-ringing / Massa's In De Cold Ground - Melody
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - Melody
Sadly to mine heart appealing - Melody
Said Beauregard, to Lee, and Jeff / Call 'Em Names, Jeff - Melody
Sail! home, as straight as an arrow / White Wings - Melody
Saints of God, the dawn is bright'ning - MelodySavior, I follow on - Melody
Savior, sprinkle many nations - Melody
Savior, Thy dying love - Melody
Savior, who Thy flock art feeding - Melody
Send Thou, O Lord, to every place - Melody
Shall we gather at the river - Melody
She Was All the World to Me - Melody
She'll be coming 'round the mountain / Coming 'round the Mountain - Melody
Sherman's March to the Sea - Melody
Shew! Fly, Don't Bother Me - Melody
Shine On Harvest Moon - Melody
Shut de Do', keep out de debbil - Melody
Silver Threads Among the Gold - Melody
Sitting by the roadside on a summer day / Goober Peas - Melody
Slaves Consolation, The - MelodySnow-White Rose, The - Melody
Soft as the voice of an Angel / Whispering Hope - Melody
Soldier's Return, The - Melody
Soldiers sing of their beans and canteens / Army Bugs - Melody
Some Folks - Melody
Somebody Stole My Gal - Melody
Somebody's coming to see me tonight - Melody
Song, A - Melody
Song Of All Songs, The - Melody
Southern Girl's Reply, The - Melody
Southern Wagon, The - Melody
Southern War Cry - Melody
Spirit of My Song, The - Melody
Stand up, stand up for Jesus - Melody
Star Spangled Banner, The - Melody
Stay Summer Breath - Melody
Stenka Razin - Melody
Stonewall Jackson's Way - Melody
Stood a little baby on the street one day / Where Is My Mama - Melody
Streets of Laredo, The - Melody
Summer Longings - Melody
Sweet By and By - Melody
Sweet Emerald Isle That I Love So Well - Melody
Sweet Genevieve - Melody
Sweetly She Sleeps,My Alice Fair - Melody
Swell the anthem, raise the song - Melody
Swing low, sweet chariot - Melody
Sylvia's hair is like the night - Melody
Tell me the tales that to me were so dear / Long, Long Ago - Melody
Tenting On the Old Campground - Melody
Texas Ranger War Song - Melody
Thank God, the sky is clearing / Our Boys Are Coming Home - Melody
That's What's the Matter - Melody
The ballroom was filled with fashions throng / A Bird In A Gilded Cage - Melody
The bluebird is singing his lay / Willie Has Gone to the War - Melody
The church of God is one - Melody
The flags are flying / We've a Million in the Field - Melody
The Glendy Burke is a mighty fast boat - Melody
The glorious gates of righteousness - Melody
The Gospel shows the Father's grace - Melody
The Law of God is good and wise - Melody
The morning light is breaking - Melody
The Northmen Are Coming! - Melody
The pride of the village and the fairest in the dell / Fairy Belle - Melody
The Ship That Never Returned - Melody
The Star-spangled Cross and the pure field of white - Melody
The troops from Rhode Island were posted along / Nine Miles to the Junction - Melody
The wise may bring their learning - Melody
The years creep slowly by, Lorena / Lorena - Melody
There are Plenty of Fish in the Sea - Melody
There is a tavern in the town - Melody
There is an hour of peaceful rest - Melody
There shall be showers of blessing - Melody
There's a Good Time Coming - Melody
There's a great day coming - Melody
There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza - Melody
There's a yellow rose of Texas / The Yellow Rose of Texas - Melody
This child we dedicate to Thee - Melody
Thou Art the Queen of my Song - Melody
Thou art the Way; to Thee alone - Melody
Thou who roll'st the year around - Melody
Till The Boys Come Home - MelodyTramp! Tramp! Tramp! - Melody
Turkey in the Straw - Melody
Turn Not Away! - Melody
Two little children one morning / You Tell Me Your Dreams, I'll Tell You Mine - Melody
Under the willow she's laid with care / Under the Willow She's Sleeping - Melody
Vain Britons, boast no longer - Melody
Village Maiden, The - Melody
Virginia Belle - Melody
Vive La Compagnie - Melody
Voice of By-gone Days, The - Melody
Voices that are Gone, The - Melody
Wabash Cannonball - Melody
Wait For the Wagon - Melody
Walking Once Grass - Melody
Waltz Across Texas - Melody
Was glänzt dort von Vermont / Lincoln's wilde, schwarz-republikanische Jagd - MelodyWay Down in Ca-i-ro - Melody
We Have a Sure Prophetic Word - Melody
We may not climb the heavenly steeps - Melody
We'll Understand it Better By and By - Melody
Well, they handed him his orders in Monroe, Virginia / The Wreck of Old 97 - Melody
We've a Million in the Field - Melody
What must a Fairy's dream be - Melody
What the Deuce Do We Care - Melody
When I was a little bitty baby / Cotton Fields Back Home - Melody
When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again - Melody
When, marshaled on the nightly plain - Melody
When old friends were here - Melody
When the Midnight Choo-Choo Leaves for Alabam' - Melody
When the Saints Go Marching In - Melody
When This Dreadful War Is Ended - Melody
When You and I Were Young Maggie - Melody
Where Has Lulu Gone? - Melody
Where Is My Mama - Melody
Where is the spirit, Mary? - Melody
Where, where, where, and where / The Why And The Wherefore - Melody
Whispering Hope - Melody
White Slave, The - Melody
White Wings - Melody
Who Will Care for Micky Now? - Melody
Who's Sorry Now - Melody
Why, No One to Love? - Melody
Why And The Wherefore, The - Melody
Wife, The - Melody
Willie Has Gone to the War - Melody
Willie My Brave - Melody
Willie We Have Missed You - Melody
Wilt Thou Be Gone, Love? - Melody
Within the sound of the enemy's guns - Melody
Wooden Heart - Melody
Yankee Doodle - Melody
Ye Tories all rejoice and sing / The Congress - Melody
You Tell Me Your Dreams, I'll Tell You Mine - Melody
You're A Grand Old Flag - Melody
You're in the Army Now - Melody
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