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Are you going to Scarborough Fair? / Scarborough Fair - Melody
Arise, O God, and shine - Melody
Arise ye workers from your slumbers - Melody
Arm these Thy soldiers, mighty Lord - Melody
As I came down from Tottenham / The Maid of Tottenham - MelodyAs I came thro' Sandgate / Weel May the Keel Row - Melody
As I look'd over the castle wall / Lord Thomas of Winesberry - Melody
As I roved out on a fine summer's morning / Rocking the Cradle - Melody
As I was a-going to Derrydown Fair / Young Rambleaway - Melody
As I was a-walking down by the Lock Hospital / The Trooper Cut Down - Melody
As I was a walking one morning in May / The Green Bushes - MelodyAs pretty Polly Oliver lay musing in bed / Polly Oliver - Melody
As when the Hebrew prophet raised - Melody
At even, when the sun did set - Melody
At the Cross - Melody
Auxville Love, The - Melody
Avington Pond - Melody
Away in a manger no crib for a bed - Melody
Awake, my soul, to joyful lays - Melody
Ballad of Richard III - Melody
Banks of Allan Water - Melody
Basket of Eggs - MelodyBattle of Worcester - Melody
Beauing, belleing, dancing, drinking / The Rakes of Mallow - Melody
Before Jehovah's awful throne - Melody
Behold a Stranger at the door! - Melody
Behold the amazing gift of love - Melody
Behold the sure Foundation-stone - Melody
Blest is the man, forever blest - Melody
Blow Away The Morning Dew - Melody
Blow the Wind Southerly - Melody
Bold Arder went forth one summer morning / Robin Hood and the Tanner - Melody
Botany Bay - Melody
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning - Melody
Captain Wedderburn's Courtship - Melody
Cheare up, kind countrymen, be not dismay'd / The Parliament Routed, Or Here's A House To Be Let - Melody
Christ, by heavenly host adored - Melody
Christ hath a garden - Melody
Cockies of Bungaree, The - Melody
Come all you tender girls / The Sprig of Thyme - Melody
Come cheer up my lads / Heart of Oak - Melody
Cornish Wassail - Melody
Crossing the Bar - Melody
Cruel War, The - Melody
Cushie Butterfield - Melody
D-Day Dodgers - Melody
Dear Land of Hope, thy hope is crowned / Land of Hope and Glory - Melody
Death and the Lady - Melody
Death of General Wolfe, The - Melody
Do ye ken John Peel with his coat so grey? / John Peel - Melody
Dogger Bank, The - Melody
Dowie Dens of Yarrow, The - Melody
Drink To Me Only, With Thine Eyes - Melody
Drive the Cold Winter Away - Melody
Early One Morning - Melody
Englands Woe - Melody
Excelsior - MelodyFair Maid of Islington, The - Melody
Faith's Review and Expectation - Melody
Farewell to you, my own true love / The Leaving of Liverpool - MelodyFather, how wide thy glories shine! - Melody
For all the saints who from their labors rest - Melody
Forward! be our watchword - Melody
From all that dwell below the skies - Melody
From Greenland's icy mountains - Melody
Give me the wings of faith to rise - Melody
Glorious things of thee are spoken / Zion, or the City of God - MelodyGrace, 'tis a charming sound - Melody
Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd - Melody
Great Boobee - Melody
Green Bushes, The - Melody
Grey Hawk, The - MelodyGracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd - Melody
Gypsy Rover - Melody
Hail the glorious golden city - Melody
Happy the home when God is there - Melody
Hark now the drums beat up again / Over the Hills and Far Away - Melody
Hark! the herald angels sing - Melody
Hark! the sound of holy voices - Melody
Heart of Oak - Melody
Here's a letter to you madam / Richies Lady - Melody
Hinky-dinky parlez-vous - Melody
Hitler, he only had one ball / Hitler Has Only Got One Ball - Melody
HMS Hood, The - MelodyI/J
I gave My life for thee - Melody
I Saw Three Ships come sailing in - Melody
I vow to thee, my country - Melody
In good King Charles's golden days / The Vicar of Bray - Melody
I's a broken hearted keelman / Cushie Butterfield - Melody
It Was a Lover and his Lass - Melody
It's coming down to Manchester / The Manchester Angel - Melody
It's often I sat on my true love's knee / Sweet William - Melody
Jerusalem - Melody
Johnny Has Gone - MelodyJust as I am, without one plea - Melody
Land of Hope and Glory - Melody
Lass of Richmond Hill, The - Melody
Leaving of Liverpool, The - Melody
Let all the earth their voices raise - Melody
Let Christians all with joyful mirth / Yeoman's Carol - Melody
Let songs of praises fill the sky - Melody
Let thoughtless thousands choose the road - Melody
Lift the strain of high thanksgiving - Melody
Lincolnshire Poacher, The - Melody
Little Barly-Corne, The - Melody
Lord Bateman was a noble lord - Melody
Lord Franklin - Melody
Lord Thomas of Winesberry - Melody
Lord, 'tis not that I did choose Thee - Melody
Lord, who at Cana's wedding-feast - Melody
Love Has Brought Me To Despair - Melody
Mademoiselle from Armentieres - Melody
Manchester Angel, The - Melody
Marching to Zion - Melody
May Day Carol - Melody
Miller of Dee, The - Melody
More love to Thee, O Christ - Melody
Morning breaks upon the tomb - Melody
My friend, if you will understand / Great Boobee - Melody
My God, how wonderful You are - Melody
My hope is built on nothing less - Melody
Now, all you blokes, take my advice / The Cockies of Bungaree - Melody
Now do I be a very young country boy / Buttercup Joe - Melody
Now may He who from the dead - Melody
Now the day is over - Melody
Now the Rump is confounded / The Second Part of St. George for England - Melody
O Blow the Man Down - Melody
O, Come, All Ye Faithful - Melody
O day of rest and gladness, of day of joy and light - Melody
O dear! What can the matter be? - Melody
O holy night! the stars are brightly shining - Melody
O Little Town of Bethlehem - Melody
O, No John - Melody
O take me in your arms, love / The Willow Tree - Melody
O what's the matter with you my lass / The Recruited Collier - Melody
Oak and the Ash, The - Melody
Of all the trades in England / A-Beggin' I Will Go - Melody
On Richmond Hill there lives a lass / The Lass of Richmond Hill - Melody
On the first day of Christmas / The Twelve Days of Christmas - Melody
Over the Hills and Far Away - MelodyPack up your troubles in your old kit bag - Melody
Paddy Get Back - Melody
Parliament Routed, The, Or Here's A House To Be Let - MelodyPolly Oliver - Melody
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven - Melody
Rakes of Mallow, The - Melody
Recruited Collier, The - Melody
Redeemed, restored, forgiven - Melody
Rejoice, the Lord is King! - Melody
Return, O wanderer, return - Melody
Roast Beef of old England - Melody
Robin Hood and the Tanner - Melody
Rule Britannia - Melody
Safely through another week / Saturday Evening - Melody
Scarborough Fair - Melody
Second Part of St. George for England, The - MelodyShe left her father's castle gate / Gypsy Rover - Melody
Sing, O sing, this blessed morn - Melody
Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands - Melody
So let our lips and lives express - Melody
Some talk of Alexander, and some of Hercules / The British Grenadiers - Melody
Sprig of Thyme, The - Melody
Stingo - Melody
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing - Melody
Sweet William - Melody
Take my life and let it be - Melody
Ten thousand times ten thousand - Melody
The breeze was fresh, the ship was in stays / The Token - MelodyThe cruel war is raging, Johnny has to fight - Melody
The fairest maids o' Britain's Isle / Ann O'Hethersgill - Melody
The Laird of Rosslyn's daughter / Captain Wedderburn's Courtship - Melody
The man is ever blest - Melody
The water is wide; I can't cross o'er - Melody
There was a fair maid of Islington / The Fair Maid of Islington - Melody
There was a lady in the north / The Dowie Dens of Yarrow - Melody
There were three gypsies a come to my door / The Wraggle Taggle Gypsies - Melody
There were three ravens sat on a tree / The Three Ravens - Melody
There'll be blue birds over the White Cliffs of Dover / White Cliffs of Dover - MelodyThey're moving father's grave to build a sewer - Melody
This Is My Father’s World - Melody
Thou who the night in prayer didst spend - Melody
Three German Officers crossed the Rhine - Melody
Three Merry Coblers, The - Melody
Throned upon the awe-full tree - Melody
Unquiet Grave, The - Melody
Vicar of Bray, The - MelodyWatchman, tell us of the night - Melody
Water is Wide, The - Melody
We are a garden walled around - Melody
We give Thee but Thine own - Melody
We sing the almighty power of God - Melody
We Three Kings of Orient Are - Melody
Weel May the Keel Row - Melody
When all thy mercies, O my God - Melody
When I can read my title clear - Melody
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - Melody
When I was a lad I served a term - Melody
When, streaming from the eastern skies - Melody
While shepherds watched their flocks - Melody
While with ceaseless course the sun / Time How Swift - MelodyWillow Tree, The - Melody
With fife and drum he marched away / Johnny Has Gone - Melody
Word Supreme, before creation - Melody
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem - Melody
Ye nations round the earth, rejoice - Melody
Yeoman's Carol - Melody
Young Rambleaway - Melody
Zion, or the City of God - Melody
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