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A beggar man came o'er yon lea / The Beggar Man - Melody
A far croonin' is pullin' me away / The Road to the Isles - Melody
Across the sky the shades of night - Melody
Aikendrum - Melody
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound - Melody
As I gaed o'er the Highland hills / Peggy Bawn - Melody
As I went o'er yon meadow / The Muckin' o' Geordie's Byre - Melody
As it befell upon one time / Hugh the Graeme - Melody
As late by a sodger I chanced to pass / I'll Make Ye Be Fain to Follow Me - Melody
As mists of the evening creep over the hill / The Dark Isle - Melody
At Fyvie's gates there grows a flower / The Trumpeter of Fyvie - Melody
Auld Lang Syne - Melody
Away, ye gay landscapes, ye gardens of roses / Lochnagar - Melody
Ballad On The American War - Melody
Balow, my boy, ly still and sleep / Lady Anne Bothwell's Lament - Melody
Banks of Sweet Loch Ray, The - Melody
Barnyards O'Delgaty, The - Melody
Battle of Harlaw, The - Melody
Blink over the burn sweet Betty - Melody
Blooming Heather, The - MelodyBlue Bells of Scotland - Melody
Boatman, The / Fear A' Bhàta - Melody
Banks o' Loch Lomond - Melody
Bonnie Doon - Melody
Bonnie George Campbell - Melody
Bonnie House O' Airly, The - Melody
Bonnie Lass of Albanie, The - MelodyBonnie Prince Charlie - Melody
Braes o 'Killiecrankie, The - MelodyBurning of Auchindoun - Melody
Caismeachd Chloinn Chamshroin - Melody
Caller Herrin' - Melody
Can Ye Sew Cushions? - Melody
Carle, an the King come - Melody
Cauld Frosty Morning - Melody
Chan 'eil oganach treun de chloinn Chamshroin gu leir / Caismeachd Chloinn Chamshroin - Melody
Charlie Is My Darling - Melody
Chevalier's Lament, The - Melody
Cock o' the North - Melody
Comin' Thro' The Rye - Melody
Cope sent a challenge from Dunbar / Johnnie Cope - Melody
Dark Isle, The - Melody
De'il's Awa Wi' Th' Exciseman, The - Melody
Dumbarton's Drums, they sound so bonnie - Melody
Duncan Davison - Melody
Election Ballad For Westerha' - Melody
Fair Peggy - Melody
False Bride, The - Melody
Far over yon hills of the heather so green / Flora Macdonald's Lament - Melody
Fare thee weel, you dungeons dark and strong / MacPhersons Lament - Melody
Fear A' Bhàta - MelodyFete Champetre - Melody
Flora Macdonald's Lament - Melody
Flower O'Scotland - Melody
Flowers of the Forest, The - Melody
For A' That - Melody
Gallowa' Hills, The - Melody
Glendaurel Highlander, The - Melody
Glenlogie - Melody
Glenlogie - Melody
Gloomy Night - Melody
Green Hills of Tyrol, The - Melody
Green Sleeves and tartan ties - Melody
Gudwife when your gudeman's frae hame / Wad Ye Do That? - Melody
Hark when the night is falling / Scotland the Brave - Melody
Heel y'ho boys, let her go, boys / Mingulay Boat Song - Melody
Hieland Laddie, The - Melody
Highland Cathedral - MelodyHighland Mary - Melody
High upon the Hielands and laigh upon the Tay / Bonnie George Campbell - Melody
I Ainse Loved a Lass and I loved her sae well - Melody
I am a weaver, a Carlton weaver / Nancy Whiskey - Melody
I climb the mountain and scan the ocean / Fear A' Bhàta - Melody
I dreamed a dream the other night / Lowlands - Melody
I Love My Love in Secret - Melody
I'll tak' my plaidie contented to be / The Gallowa' Hills - Melody
I'm wearin' awa', John / Land o' the Leal - Melody
It was upon a Lammas night / The Rigs O' Barley - Melody
Jessie, The Flower Of Dunblane - Melody
Jock o' Hazeldean - Melody
John Come Kiss Me Now - MelodyJohnie Faa - Melody
Johnnie Cope - Melody
Keen blaws the wind o'er the Braes o' Gleniffer / The Braes o' Gleniffer - Melody
Killiecrankie - MelodyLady Anne Bothwell's Lament - Melody
Laird o' Cockpen, The - Melody
Lament of Wallace, The - Melody
Land o' the Leal - Melody
Leezie Lindsay - Melody
Loudon's Bonny Woods and Braes - Melody
Lowlands - Melody
Mairi's Wedding - Melody
March Of The Cameron Men - Melody
Mary Morison - Melody
Max Welton's braes are bonnie / Annie Laurie - Melody
Mingulay Boat Song - Melody
Mirk and rainy is the night / Are Ye Sleepin' Maggie? - Melody
Mist Covered Mountains - Melody
Modiewark, The - Melody
Muckin' o' Geordie's Byre, The - Melody
O Flower of Scotland / Flower O'Scotland - Melody
O my Luve's like a red, red rose / Red, Red Rose - Melody
O the summer time has come / The Wild Mountain Thyme - Melody
O, wha will to Saint Stephen's House / Fete Champetre - Melody
O where, tell me where, is your Highland laddie gone? / Blue Bells of Scotland - Melody
Old Rustic Bridge, The - Melody
One night as I did wander - MelodyP/R
Pride of Scotland, The - Melody
Red, Red Rose - Melody
Rigs O' Barley, The - Melody
Rowan Tree, The - Melody
Scottish Soldier - Melody
Shetland Fiddler, The - Melody
Signal Mountain Sunrise - Melody
Skye Boat Song - Melody
Supper isna Ready - Melody
Sweet closes the ev'ning on Craigieburn Wood / Craigieburn Wood - Melody
Tae the lairds i' convention t'was Claverhouse spoke / Bonnie Dundee - Melody
The Far Cullins are pulling me away / The Road to the Isles - Melody
The day returns, my bosom burns / Day Returns - Melody
The Diamond is a ship me lads / The Bonnie Ship the Diamond - Melody
The Hemp-Dresser - Melody
The Laddies by the banks o' Nith / Election Ballad For Westerha' - Melody
The laird o' Cockpen, he's proud an' he's great - Melody
The modiewark has done me ill - Melody
The piper cam' t'our toon, t'our toon, t'our toon / Piper of Dundee - Melody
The ploughman he's a bonny lad / The Ploughman - Melody
The sun has gane down o'er the lofty Ben Lomond / Jessie, The Flower Of Dunblane - Melody
There liv'd twa sisters in a bower / The Twa Sisters - Melody
There was a lass, they ca'd her Meg / Duncan Davison - Melody
Tinker' Waddin', The - Melody
Trumpeter of Fyvie, The - Melody
Turn Ye To Me - Melody
Vair me o, ro van o / Eriskay Love Lilt or When I'm Lonely Dear White Heart - Melody
Wad Ye Do That? - Melody
Wha'll buy my caller herrin'? / Caller Herrin' - MelodyWeary fa' you, Duncan Gray! / Duncan Gray - Melody
Wee Magic Stane, The - Melody
Wha' is that at my bower door? / Findlay - Melody
Wha wadna be in love / Maggie Lauder - Melody
Wha'll be King but Charlie? - Melody
When Guilford good our pilot stood / Ballad On The American War - Melody
When I'm Lonely Dear White Heart - Melody
When the Battle's O'er - MelodyWhen the Kye Comes Hame - Melody
Why weap ye by the tide, ladye? / Jock o' Hazeldean - MelodyWill Ye Go, Lassie? - Melody
Will Ye No Come Back Again? - Melody
Ye Banks and Braes o' bonnie Doon / Bonnie Doon - Melody
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